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Hello! I'm



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If you or someone you know is considering adoption, please contact me.  I can't wait to hear from you!      
Are you currently pregnant?

Thank you!

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I was born and raised in a small town not too far from NYC. After graduating from college, I lived in Boston for several years before moving back home to be closer to her family! I love to travel, cuddle with my two dogs, cook, spend time with my nieces and nephews, volunteer, read, go to the mountains, and visit the beach.


Fun fact: I like to visit National Parks.  My most recent trip being to Zion National Park where I hiked The Narrows and Angels Landing.

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"I am in love with a child I haven’t yet met."

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I have a very flexible, successful career in real estate and I truly enjoy it. I love its flexibility as it will allow me to be a completely present mom. I make my own hours and a little one is always welcome to join me. I love that, in real estate, I meet people and help them find their dream home. I also love walking through a house and looking at all of the detail and craftsmanship. Moldings, hardwood floors, door styles, trim work.... little details that most people don't notice or pay attention to fascinate me. I enjoy helping people fix up homes and I do that too. Picking out bathroom tiles, light fixtures, paint colors, floor styles and colors, house siding styles and colors, are all things that I love to do.  I can't wait to share my love of homes and build a beautiful life for a child through adoption! 



When I am not working I enjoy volunteering, spending time with my family and friends, traveling, and walking my dogs.  My family and friends consider me loving, fun, loyal, and responsible.  I am a positive and happy person.  I believe in being kind, humble, and helpful and will be raising a child to be the same. 

Silly puns and jokes make me giggle like I am five. Simple and silly practical jokes make me laugh. Musicals make my heart sing. I used to wonder what it would be like if people burst out into spontaneous song and dance….that is until flash mobs happened and I didn't find it quite as exciting.

At home, when I am not working, I love to be playing with my dogs or baking with my nephews and nieces.  Grilling on my deck is one of my favorite things to do, weather permitting!  I also love taking walks around my neighborhood or trying to make a Pinterest project.  I am not artsy, but crafty. My grandmother and I used to refinish furniture together, fix up and paint rooms together, and hang pictures together. I got my crafting and love of houses from her. When I was younger, I loved walking the beach with her and collecting shells. I still love doing this today with my family, especially my nieces and nephew!

My family is pretty blended and extended. My great grandfather was born in Italy and came to the United States as a young boy.  My grandmother, on my father’s side was from Germany, and I have also Scottish and Welch in my bloodlines. My family believes in being well-rounded. Music, arts, sports, and community are very important. I hope to expose my future child to many different activities until they determine what types of activities they prefer. 

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When I have time, I also love to read.  I recently signed up to be involved with a monthly book club, and I’m looking forward to expanding my taste in books.  I also love reading books to my nieces and nephews.  The excitement in their eyes listening to me read to them…there’s nothing like it. I love the feel of book in my hand.


I am known as the “baby whisperer” by my friends and relatives. I have that special touch that calms babies and magically gets them to sleep. I look forward to using my magic touch with your child. My nieces and nephews as some have gotten older, love to come to my house for movie night where we have popcorn; bake cookies and watch their choice of a special movie for the night. They often sleepover too and we start the day with them helping make pancakes.

I have always been around children. I coached Little League baseball when I was 17. I babysat through high school and college. I love spending time with my nieces, nephews and friend's children. I have always loved the innocence and magical world of children.


10 Fun


1.  My favorite subject in school was History and I graduated from college with a Bachelor of Arts in History, thinking I would then go to law school.

2.  I love to travel.  I’ve traveled to 4 continents, over 15 countries, and 26 States.  My favorite country so far has been Japan because they have a lot of delicious food.  My favorite US State is Arizona because of the Grand Canyon, which is absolutely stunning.

3.  I was the first female in my high school to earn 12 Varsity letters; 4 in Field Hockey, 4 in Basketball, and 4 in Track & Field.

4.  My favorite thing to do with my nieces and nephews is to watch them play their sports.  When they’re not playing their sports, we like to go to the Zoo and bake at home.

5.  I hate tomatoes, but will eat ketchup and tomato sauce, as long as there are no tomato chunks.

6.  My favorite color is blue.

7.  I have two favorite ice cream flavors- Mint Chocolate Chip and Oreo.

8.  I grew up spending my summers at the beach and in the mountains.  I still love spending time at both places.

9.  I am the God Mother for two of my nephews

10.  I love to visit National Parks.  My most recent trip being to Zion National Park where I hiked The Narrows and Angels Landing.

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A Peak Inside My


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My neighborhood, home, and pets


I have two of the most loving, gentle dogs. Dakota is a black lab and Lexi, a rescue that is part lab and part Australian Shepard. I love taking Lexi and Dakota for walks through my community.  There is a pond that we like to visit that is just outside of the community.  Lexi and Dakota have their favorite spots to visit while we are on our walks.  The children in the neighborhood love visiting with my dogs and throwing tennis balls for them or giving them treats! Can you envision your child joining the group? I hope so!


To me, my home is my happy place and I find pleasure in the simple things like cooking, listening to music, walking my dogs, talking to my neighbors, or watching a show on tv and most of all playing with my nieces and nephews. They even have a special room in my house with all of their toys, their play tables and they even have their own table and chairs for snacks! 


My home is the perfect place to create fun and amazing memories with a child and I know he or she will love it as much as I do.  The town I live in is very diverse with a vibrant culture. My home is located in a small, very quiet, gated community.  My community has a clubhouse and pool. I live at the end of a cul de sac with woods across from me. There are a lot of children in my area and they love to see the wildlife (rabbits, squirrels and deer) that live in the area. I am walking distance to a Zoo, parks, museums, restaurants, grocery stores, and shops.  I am very lucky to have all these children’s activities so close to me. I am also close enough to get into New York City for special trips like seeing the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade.

“You are my today and all of my tomorrows.”



I know, in my heart, I was meant to be a mom. For as long as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to be a mother. I have always dreamed of it and I am looking forward to the day my dream finally comes true. I am a kind, caring, loving person and I know I will be a terrific mother. I am excited for my nephews and nieces to have another cousin they can spend time with. I’m looking forward to visits to the Zoo, walking my dogs with a baby in my neighborhood, having a child decorating gingerbread houses at Thanksgiving with their cousins and eating too many sweets. Traditions, celebrations, and everyday life events are things I am looking forward to. Believe it or not, I am also looking forward to sleepless nights, wiping runny noses, kissing a skinned knee, endlessly busy schedules, getting to school on time, guiding a cranky teenager, filling out college applications, and helping a child to feel loved and secure when frightened, shy, or insecure. I’m looking forward to all of it!


I also have several friends with young children, some are newborns, some are toddlers, some who were adopted, and others who were born through IVF as well as friends that have carried their own children. Fertility treatments were never something I was comfortable with. I would rather partner with an expectant mom to give a child the best life that we possibly can.  I know adoption is the best choice for me, and becoming a parent is something very important for my future. By being given the gift of parenthood, I will shower the child with love and will make sure he or she knows what a strong, brave, and courageous woman you are. 


I am blessed to have a flexible schedule, an amazing support network, and to be financially secure. I am ready to love a child unconditionally and for them to be my family and my everything!

Friends, Family, &


I enjoy every minute I spend with my family.  Spending time together is a priority.  While we may all be grown up now, most of my family is still nearby. I am very fortunate that my mom lives next door to me and to have a lot of my family and friends close to me.  I am the oldest of four children in my family.  One of my brothers lives on the West Coast with his wife and their two boys, another brother lives one town away from me with his wife and their 3 children (2 nieces and a nephew), and my other brother lives in the same town as me, just like my mom.  My father lives two towns away from me and my aunt and uncle live in sunny Florida.


Whether it’s cooking out on the grill on my deck or ordering from our favorite local restaurant, dinner at my place has become a thing we do. My brothers and sister in laws will be the most wonderful Uncles & Aunts and role models for your child.  Taking my nieces and nephews to the Zoo, building gingerbread houses during the holidays, going swimming at my community pool, going to the beach, or watching them play their sports, they are going to be the best cousins, ever.  All that is missing is a child for me to add to this mix!


My mom, my dad, my aunt, my uncles, my brothers, my sisters in law, my nieces, and my nephews… they are my people. They are my support system as well as a constant source of laughter, love, joy, smiles, and adventure. 


When I am not spending time with my family, I spend time with my friends.  I love meeting my friends out at a local place for dinner, or brunch on the weekends or hiking on the trails close to my house.  Whether it is going to a local festival, going into NYC for the day, or relaxing at the house, I recognize that I have a vast network of friends and family to help me in my journey to grow a family.  My large family and close friends are very supportive and excited to welcome a baby into the fold.  They are so very excited for me and what the future holds.  With such a diverse group there are children of all ages, so the baby will have many cousins and friends to grow up with. 


My family and friends, no matter where they are, will always play a large part and be involved in mine and your child’s life. Everyone cannot wait to welcome a new member to our family!

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“Some things are worth the wait, and I know this is one of them.”

My Promises To You!

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Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my website and giving me the opportunity to share my story with you.  I hope I’ve given you a sense of my family and the community of family and friends that surround me.  I truly appreciate your consideration and respect any decision you make regarding me as the adoptive parent for your child.


I cannot imagine the weight of the tough decisions that you are making right now in your life. You are so brave. You are so strong, and you are a warrior.  I have nothing but the utmost respect and love for you.


Most importantly, I’d like to leave you with my intentions as an adoptive parent.


1.  I promise to unconditionally love and support your baby.  Your baby will always feel safe, secure, and loved.


2.  You will always have a place in your baby's life and your baby will always know who you are.  It is my hope that I can build a loving and lifelong relationship with you.


3.  I will encourage your baby to foster their creativity, curiosity about the world, and love of learning.


4.  Spending time with family is, and always will be, the building block of my home.


5.  I will help them find the humor in life.


6.  I promise your child will travel to national and international destinations and will see the beauty of and wonder of the world.


I would be absolutely honored if you allow me to be your child’s adoptive parent.  Love and fun are always overflowing in my home.


As you consider an adoption plan for you and your child, know that I am more than happy to provide more information or answer any questions you might have.  I am an open book. 


Please reach out to me through text, phone, or email.  I look forward to hearing from you and I can’t wait to learn more about you.


Lots of Love,


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